科罗拉多大学 Social Action Institute

这 .25学分的指导实习项目为学生提供了一个参与活动和/或倡导工作的机会,旨在对抗BIPOC(黑人)不断升级的监视和刑事定罪, 土著, 和有色人种)社区,直接与美国的社区组织合作.S. Southwest (Denver, Albuquerque, Phoenix, El Paso, Austin, and San Marcos, 德州).

The program is open to all current first-years, 二年级的学生, 赌博正规的十大网站的大三学生, all schools in the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM), 以及其他名牌大学. An application and interview are required.

这 program requires a full-time work commitment. 学生 cannot have other work commitments during the program.


2025年6月7日- 7月20日*

*Carleton and Lawrence students: Participants must arrive at 科罗拉多大学 on June 7. Discuss your plans for finals with your professors & 学院顾问.

Dr. Eric Popkin
Department of Sociology, 科罗拉多大学



第一轮: 2024年12月4日
第二轮: 2025年1月24日


这 .25学分的暑期强化课程为学生提供了一个机会,参与活动和/或倡导工作,专注于以下三个方面之一:

  • 社区组织 (活动招聘, 活动策划, 专栏写作, 抗议活动培训, 政策研究, 公众演讲, 刑事司法问责, 案例宣传). 
  • Immigrant Detention Work and Movement Lawyering (working with attorneys representing immigrants in detention; re搜索 on immigrant detention center conditions; 宣传/organizing work to shut down immigrant detention centers).
  • 环境正义组织 (社区 organizing, 宣传 campaigns, re搜索).

在节目中, students learn skills to engage in activist projects, consider anti-racist approaches to 社区-engaged work, participate in discussions focused on conceptions of social change, and explore activist/宣传 career possibilities.

这个为期六周的项目首先在科罗拉多大学校园进行为期一周的培训,由项目主管和代表参与项目的社区合作组织的活动人士领导. 这个方向将包括多学科的阅读和讨论,重点是BIPOC社区的刑事定罪(监狱资本主义和移民拘留的种族层面)。, 社区 organizing theory and practice, 移民政策, 以及运动律师业务. National activists will conduct workshops during the orientation, as well.

遵循方向, 学生将分组乘坐赌博正规的十大网站的车辆前往指定的社区合作伙伴地点. 在整个项目中, 项目主管将前往每个项目地点两次,与学生一起反思经验. 这些访问是与学生和社区合作伙伴组织的Zoom会议的补充. 在节目的最后, 学生们将他们的作品展示给他们所在社区的合作伙伴组织,然后在赌博正规的十大网站重新召开会议.为期5天的项目汇报.


  1. 学生 will demonstrate an understanding of how 社区-based knowledge structures, 组织分析, and initiatives shape student collective project work. 
  2. 学生将展示评估影响社会变革的系统性不平等和权力关系的能力.
  3. 学生将通过反思自己的文化财富和作为团队成员的资产来实践文化谦逊,以了解自己作为社区变革推动者的优势和局限性. 
  4. 学生将通过反思他们的公民承诺如何与他们的职业抱负相一致,展示出描述和利用适当的策略和机制来影响社会变革的能力. 


There is no program fee for 科罗拉多大学 students. 住房, 食物, 杂费, 运输, and all other program costs are covered through the generous support of the 科罗拉多大学 President’s Office Anti-Racism Fund, 科罗拉多大学 Department of Sociology, 威廉·P. 迪安纪念基金, 威廉和弗洛拉休利特基金会,和 科罗拉多大学 State of the Rockies Project.


The cost for students from colleges other than 科罗拉多大学 is $5,000.

所有参与者将参加一个 .25个单元的通识课程. 持F-1签证的CC学生将收到符合课程实践培训(CPT)的暑期成绩单的成绩单批注。.

CC students who do not require work authorization will receive .25-units applied to their next fully enrolled semester. Non-CC students will be admitted as non-degree-seeking students and receive .25-units of credit (equivalent to approximately one semester unit at another institution). F-1签证的非cc学生应该咨询他们的主要DSO关于CPT过程. 



在美国学习的学生.S. on an F-1 or J-1 visa must obtain employment authorization 之前 参加校外实习(任何在学校校园以外的培训经历,并保留其SEVIS记录). 持F-1签证的学生将参加课程实践培训(CPT)或完成前可选实践培训(选择)。, while students on a J-1 visa will pursue Academic Training. 持F-1或J-1签证的学生必须提前联系持有SEVIS记录的国际学生服务办公室,了解CPT的详细信息, 选择, 或学术培训.



Mijente – No Tech for ICE Campaign (Southwest location TBD)

Mijente is a political hub for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, 经济, 性别, and climate justice through organizing and 宣传 campaigns. 在过去的几个夏天, 与Mijente一起工作的学生进行了战略研究,重点是ICE对数据代理信息(LEXIS-NEXIS)的依赖,以访问丹佛的警察预订信息,并记录促进美墨边境地区监视的新技术系统. 学生 will engage in organizing campaigns in the US Southwest. (Spanish language fluency is required; southwest location has not yet been determined).  

科罗拉多州公平就业 (Denver, Colorado)

科罗拉多州公平就业 is a coalition of labor, 社区, 信仰, and youth organizations working on fair labor, 只是工资, and equitable working environments in a way that crosses lines of sector, 比赛, and class to win concrete victories for working people. 学生 work on active organizing campaigns, 包括当地的最低工资运动, 在建筑行业赋予妇女和非二元性别工人权力,并打击工资盗窃活动. (High proficiency in Spanish is required for some positions).


Mano Amiga与受刑事定罪和/或移民影响的社区合作并组织起来,推动地方层面的系统性政策变革. Mano Amiga直接与受影响的社区成员合作,扩大他们的生活经历,并确定改变系统和改善物质条件的解决方案. The organization has a vision of creating a corridor of resistance between Austin & San Antonio, TX, against racist and anti-immigrant policies. 学生可能有机会在基层社区组织的许多方面进行交叉训练, 包括案件辩护, 政策研究, police/prosecutor/judicial accountability, 专栏 & other writing, 公众演讲, 抗议活动培训, and more. (High proficiency in Spanish is required for some positions).

德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的Organiza 德州

Organiza 德州 is a collective of immigrant rights organizers based in Austin, 德州, working to combat 德州 Governor Abbott’s Operation Lonestar (OLS). OLS is a border militarization operation targeting immigrants, resulting in the arrest and prosecution of close to 40,德克萨斯州南部的1000人. 苏丹生命线行动倡议将德克萨斯州警察和国民警卫队成员部署到德克萨斯州-墨西哥边境,执行目前由联邦当局保留的职责. 学生 will have the opportunity to document OLS conditions, engage in legislative 宣传 campaigns, and collaborate with local communities organizing to confront OLS. (High proficiency in Spanish is required for some positions).       

Immigrant Detention Work and Movement Lawyering Track

新墨西哥 Immigrant Law Center, Albuquerque, 新墨西哥

新墨西哥移民法律中心通过合作法律服务授权低收入移民社区, 宣传, 和教育. 学生 may be able to assist attorneys representing immigrants in the Torrance, Cibola, 和新墨西哥州的奥特罗拘留中心,并参与当地拘留中心关闭运动. (Spanish language proficiency is required for some positions).

拉斯维加斯美洲 Immigrant Advocacy Center, El Paso, 德州

拉斯维加斯美洲是一家位于埃尔帕索的法律诊所,为西德克萨斯州的移民和难民提供免费和低成本的法律服务, 新墨西哥, 和华雷斯, 墨西哥, 在美墨边境. The clinic also serves detention centers in this region. 在以前的夏天, 在拉斯维加斯美洲工作的学生与被拘留的移民进行了面谈和其他面谈,并参与了社区外展项目. (Spanish language fluency is required for most positions).

ACLU of 新墨西哥, Albuquerque, 新墨西哥

The ACLU of 新墨西哥 is the state affiliate of the ACLU, nation’s premier civil rights and civil liberties organization. 新墨西哥州办事处开展了广泛的工作,旨在控制边境社区的军事化以及该州移民拘留中心的虐待行为. 学生 will re搜索 projects focused on these issues. (西班牙语不需要).  


亚利桑那州凤凰城的Chispa Arizona

Chispa Arizona empowers Latinx communities to influence policy, 保护自然资源, 应对气候变化. Through grassroots 宣传 and 社区 engagement, organization strives to deliver clean air, 安全的水, and healthy neighborhoods for those most impacted by climate change. 学生 will work on the Clean and Green Campaign, addressing the issue of urban heat islands, or work with youth engaged in climate justice campaigns. (Spanish language proficiency is required for some positions.)

报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/16/2024






Mano Amiga SMTX

